Tuesday, May 30, 2006


How long have I disappeared from this blogging world?

Bloggers changed. Layouts changed. Postings changed. Even my typing speed changed.
Whew. Guess two frikkin' weeks can deter any progress.
Anyways.. I'm back!!

Whew... Bad timing juga yaaa, scara ini menjadi postingan pertama setelah dua minggu hiatus yang coincidentally ditulis tepat di hari pertama EXAM WEEK!! Wtf... I can't believe this is happening. I mean, whatever happened to thoughtful preparations? Unexpected jolts of the stomach? Pre-butterfles syndromes? Dang, it just happened. And gawd, didn't I even know how to brace. Sekarang gue cuma bisa terbengong-bengong kayak orang bloon mencerna kenyataan sementara minggu ulangan umum kenaikan kelas ini sudah berjalan sehari -- ralat, SATU SETENGAH hari. Duh. Somebody slap me please. *shrugs*

Ehm. Let's just cut to the chase and get on with my questions of the day, then.

PERTANYAAN PERTAMA. Layout Friendster koq berubah yaa? Bingung. Agak2 aneh bin ribet gitu. Not to mention bikin jidat ini berkerut. Nyem. Ah, whatever lah. Penting banget masalah beginian diributin.

PERTANYAAN KEDUA. Kenapa Yogyakarta kena gempa??? Omg, I am sooooo overwhelmed by the news. First Aceh, now Yogya. Am sincerely mourning and praying for the victims. Be strong, guys! You're never alone.

PERTANYAAN KETIGA. Mengapa, oh mengapaaaaa, mengapa Taylor yang jadi juara American Idol season lima???? Mengapa? Mengapa?? Huks. Should've seen that coming but still I can't accept the fact that he won instead of McPhee. Nggak rela, nggak rela, nggak relaaaaaaaaa! *sobs*

PERTANYAAN KEEMPAT. Kenapakah soal esai uji blok Geografi yang akan menghajar besok jumlahnya ada tujuh??? Gila. Dengan waktu satu jam alias enam puluh menit, how the heck do you expect me to finish it? TUJUH esai dengan DUA PULUH LIMA pilihan ganda. Tau sendiri kawaban esainya si AU itu panjangnya kayak apa. Whew.

PERTANYAAN KELIMA. Shucks. I'm getting tired. Kenapakah di jajaran finalis Indonesian Idol tahun ini ada nama DIRLY? Whew. No offence, but Dirly? Nyemnyem. Nggak usah komentar banyak-banyak lah ya. You oughta know how he is in singing. Kayaknya fenomena Delon bakalan keulang lagi neh, only fresher, younger, and of course much much more confident. Secara dia udah mengidentifikasikan dirinya sebagai penerus Delon dari awal workshop, gitu. Haha. Udah ah. Saya sih tetap pendukung setia kubu Ghea dan tentu saja Ihsan!!

Fiuh. Udah ah. Jari gue udah mulai pegel neh. Gawd, gotta practice typing again fast if I wanna keep up my pace.
So, met uji blok, guys! SMANGAT!!! *winks*

Oh ya. Terakhir, mau pamer foto kelas XI Social 1 yang baru dibagi tadi aaaaaaaahh...

...Lucu yaaaa? Haha.
Buh-bye dahhhhhhlliiiiiinnnn'....


Thursday, May 18, 2006


Today basically sucked. I am personally bored to death.

Oh yeah, you know what, Droo? The last post was purely fictional. Haha. So does that mean I am NOT in love with somebody right now?
Aaaada dehh kasitau ga yaaa. Hahaha. Been there, done that.

Whew. Whatever. I really wanna get outta the house right now. It kills me thinking I still have like twelve hours before the day is over. Gawd I need a break.

Lates. *winks*

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

...i love you...


*sound of raindrops splattering on the window*
*heavy breathing*
*sound of bedspread rustling*
*sleepy voice* "Uhhhmm… what is it? If you want another session, no thanks, I'm wasted."
"Have you ever been in love?"
*sound of body stirring* "My god, you woke me up just to ask that?"
"Have you?"
"Is this something I'm inescapable of or are you just making fun of me?"
"Shut up, stupid, just answer it."
*clears throat* "Okay, let's see now… it's only, what, three in the morning? C'mon, even you're not that so unromantic…"
*pleading* "Stan…"
*heaving a sigh* "All right, all right, I have. Now can I have some peaceful, restful, not-to-be-disturbed sleep?"
*soft snoring sound*
*heavy breathing*
"…Uhm, Stan?"
*annoyed moan* "What now?"
"Are you in love with somebody?"
*sound of body shifting* "What's happening to you anyway, asking heart-wrenching questions in such a perfectly wrong time?"
"Hello, I'm doing the asking thing here, not you. Just answer it."
"Whoa, touchy." *sound of head bumping onto pillow* "Sadly to say, I am. Now good night."
*threatening voice* "I mean it this time, sweetie. Good night."
*sound of raindrops splattering on the window*
*sound of CD-Player being turned on, a song starting up*

"…All I hear is raindrops
Falling on the rooftop
Oh baby tell me why d'you have to go
'Cause this pain I feel it won't go away
And today, I'm officially missing you…"

*sharply* "Hey, turn that down!"
*sound of body shifting* "Gimme the remote!"
"Why? The song's just started! You're ruining the tranquility!"
"Yeah, perhaps, but that's none of my business, 'coz I'm trying to sleep here, remember? Now gimme that."
*rough slapping noise* "Ouch! Okay, okay, turning off's fine, no need to get violent!"
*sound of CD-Player being turned off*
*sigh* "That's better. Now good night."
*distant sound of car honking*
*sniffing sound* "I don't get it."
*exasperated growl* "Bingo. Couldn't you just accurately think what I'm now thinking?"
"No, it's just that… what do you know about love?"
"Can I choose not to answer it?"
"Got that guessed alright. It hurts being such a brilliantly smart hunk."
*snorts* "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now what do you think?"
*taking a deep breath* "Over-exploited."
"Come again?"
*thoughtful sigh* "Yeah, over-exploited. Just look at world around you. Just with a glimpse you'll see that love's everywhere, in every song, every poem, every story, every movie, everywhere, even in politics and stuff. Well, I understand love sells, and not just sells alright, but SELLS, yet is it necessary to publicize it so openly? Man, it so needs privacy too to grow."
"You think so?"
"Yep. And don’t argue with me on that 'coz it's true. Look around and you'll see what I mean."
"Hey, fallen asleep already?"
*snickers* "Nah, I was just thinking…"
"That you were about to say the same thing?"
"Yeah, maybe you're right. We're abusing love too much--WAY too much. The thing that was once so divinely sacred is now so mundanely commercial."
"Right where you are, sweetheart. Don't you just love it when you go all sharp and stuff?"
"Oh, shut up."
*sound of pillow being thrown then slamming on a face*
*Ouch! Oookay, that attack was not necessary."
"Well, are you satisfied with me now?"
*pause* "Yeah, after second thoughts, maybe you do deserve some quiet sleep of your own."
*moaning* "Oh, for heaven's sake, what took you so long just to realize that? I mean, wow, that was really shocking."
*taunting* "Don't overreact, it can kill you someday."
"Hear, hear… now can I sleep?"
"Fine. Go to sleep, I don’t care."
"Great. 'Night."
*sound of bedspread rustling*
*sound of body adjusting*
*audible sigh, deep breathing* "Stan?"
"I love you."
*sound of rain ceasing down*
*sound of bodies shifting*
*soft, grateful sigh* "I love you too."


For a beautiful angel out there... You know who you are.

Monday, May 15, 2006

...a message from the star...

Whoa! Guess what? JJ baru saja menyelesaikan membaca buku terbarunya mbak Sitta Karina yang judulnya Pesan Dari Bintang.

Sebelumnya, kayaknya gue mesti nulis disclaimer dulu deh. Gue masih tetep nggak suka baca novel ber-genre Teenlit alias novel remaja sampe sekarang, dan emang kayaknya sampe kapanpun juga nggak bakalan suka deh. No offense, guys; I personally think that teenage literature just doesn't suit my mood. Tapi gue berani meng-claim kalau gue rela banget bikin pengecualian buat ngebaca karya-karyanya si Mbak Arie yang satu ini.

Mengapa? Karena tulisan-tulisannya bener-bener genuinely smart dan eye-catchy.

Well, jujur gue nggak bisa bilang kalo buku Pesan Dari Bintang ini luar biasa. Malah masih bagusan Lukisan Hujan, menurut gue. Tapi nilai lebih dari buku tebel bersampul lucu berharga mahal [urks!] yang berkisah tentang lika-liku perasaan sang latino-Paris-Hilton Inez Hanafiah terhadap Nikratama Putra Zakrie, sahabatnya ini adalah arti terselubungnya yang orisinil, rada klise namun spesial banget, in a way. Buku ini mau bilang kalo hey, what is wrong with opposite-sex friendships? Nggak ada! Mau bukti? Liat aja si Inez dan Niki. Walaupun banyak banget yang menghalangi mereka, nggak cuma jenis kelamin tapi juga status sosial, latar belakang keluarga, keadaan ekonomi, dan lain-lain, mereka tetep bisa bersatu. Bisa married lagi.

Dan gue jatuh cinta setengah mati sama karakter Inez Callasandra Hanafiah. Sang princess muda yang hidupnya udah kayak di negeri dongeng ini kadang-kadang lucu, kadang-kadang annoying. Lemot, bukan bego. Royal, bukan snob. Shopaholic, bukan pamer. Dan tentu saja sama sekali nggak kayak si Paris Hilton yang bisanya shopping doang tapi begitu diajak ngomong sama orang cuma bisa kedip-kedip bloon nggak nyambung. Honestly, gue nge-picture karakter Inez ini kayak sosok si sexy latino bintang Desperate Housewives, my lovely Eva Longoria. Mirip nggak? =) Pas kan? Kaya, cantik, punya segalanya. Apalagi punya nama belakang Hanafiah yang udah jadi first-class ticket in almost everything.

Sedangkan Niki? Cuma seorang cowok biasa aja, dari kalangan middle-class, dengan bokap seorang dosen dan nyokap ibu rumah tangga. Tapi dia mandiri banget, tegar, berusaha kuat, dan sayang keluarga. Juga sayang Inez. Stres yang dialaminya gara-gara di-abuse sama Rifas, kakaknya, nggak ngebuat dia terpuruk lama. Dan kekuatan dia yang sebenernya itu keliatan dari situ.

Cerita yang disusun sama Sitta Karina makin berbumbu dengan kehadiran karakter-karakter Hanafiah yang lain, kayak Diaz, Reno, Nara, dan Chris [my favorite!!]. Juga selingan singkat gambaran kota Hvar, Kroasia, yang diilustrasiin begitu romantisnya. Banyak bunga Lavender, gitu... Belum lagi ditambah halaman-halaman bergambar yang puisinya bikin merinding. Walaupun kertasnya jelek, kertas koran tipis yang rawan robek itu, tetep aja deh nggak rugi beli nih buku. Hehe. Though gue nggak beli sih. Minjem Nhey-Nhey, hehe. *winks*

Hayu, baca! Bagus loh.. Bagus loh.. Hehe.. Sambil sekalian mimpi jadi anggota keluarga Hanafiah yang bebas belanja dan ngeluarin duit udah kayak duitnya nanem di belakang rumah. Berlimpah branded goods, gitu. Duh, pengen...

Ehm! Eniweiz..

Nonton Indonesian Idol 2006 tidak, sodara-sodara? JJ sepenuh hati mendukung Tesa, Omar, dan Ghea. Oh, mengapakah Tiara yang begitu keren bisa tersisih?? *sobs*

Sekian ocehan nggak jelas JJ hari ini.
Buh-bye dahhhhhlinnnn'..


Sunday, May 14, 2006

...chain blogging 3...


01. Have you ever really cried your heart out?

02. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
// err.. nope.

03. Have you ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
// yep.

04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex?
// yep. so much for the crybaby huh?

05. Do you cry when you get an injury?
// nnoo.

06. Do certain songs make you cry?
// yep.


01. Are you a happy person?
// yep. yep. YEP.

02. What can always make you happy?
// friends. love. doraemon. *winks*

03. Do you wish you were happier?
// yeah, sumtimes.

04. Is being happy overrated?
// no larr. of course not.

05. Can music make you happy?
// yep.


01. How many times have you had your heart
// lost count.

02. Have you ever loved someone so much that
you'd die for them?
// do you think i am really that stupid?

03. Anyone besides your friends/family ever said
they loved you?
// my ex-es. aren't i so lovable? *ditabok*

04. Have you ever been head over heels?
// how about obsessive-compulsive?

05. Who are two people you love right now?
// two? far to few. i love TONS of ppl.


01. Who do you actually hate?
// halah.

02. Have you ever made a hit list?
// well everybody does that once in a while don't you think?

03. Have you ever been on a hit list?
// pretty damn sure i have.

04. Are you a mean bully?
// no. im such a nice loving caring person, fgs.

05. Do you hate George Bush?
// dunno duncare. he has no brain, though.


01. Are you good looking?
// mnurut loohhhh? *anak gaul mode on*

02. Do you wish you could be someone else?
// so far so good. but it could be nice to imagine being austin hanafiah anyway =)

03. What can boost your self esteem?
// smiles. affection. hugs. kisses.

04. When you're not looking your best, do you hide
// yeah i do. i worry too much for looks.

05. Who makes you confident?
// me. myself. and i. god i am so damn narcissistic.

Friday, May 12, 2006

...about problems...

JJ sedang menghela napas dengan kelelahan.

Gila. Barusan aja gue selesai latihan bareng sama my dear beloved Smukiez Choir. Iseng-iseng nyanyiin lagu kebangsaan tercinta, Lord of The Dance, dan akhirnya setelah not terakhir dinyanyikan dengan fermata yang panjaaaaaaaaaaang, kita semua menyadari sebuah fakta: koq jeleknya amit-amit mampus yah??

Whatever. I'm not interesting in talking about it right now.

Beberapa hari ini, gue memperhatikan ada banyak masalah yang menimpa orang-orang di sekitar gue. Well, gue juga sih, sebenarnya, but that's well beside the point. I'm not the mood to talk about my OWN frikkin' personal matters, FGS. Yang jelas, gue pengen ngebahas tentang dua masalah yang lagi menimpa dua orang temen gue beberapa hari ini.

Satu temen sekelas gue, sebut aja D, lagi dimusuhin sama hampir satu kelas. Dicuekin sih, lebih tepatnya. Dan kenapa? Karena dia dipercaya udah nyebarin FITNAH alias informasi yang kebenarannya sangat diragukan tentang teman-temannya sendiri! Maksudnya, dia tuh dituduh udah sering banget ngomongin orang di belakang, in other words backstabbing. Ring a bell, Smukierz? *winks* Yeah, we see this everyday, but this case is kinda special, for me.

Masalahnya adalah, si D ini tuh dianggep udah parah banget melancarkan aksinya. Saking parahnya sampe seisi kelas lengkap diomongin yang jelek-jelek sama dia, dan sampe menyebabkan beberapa orang di kelas marah besar sama dia dan terang-terang ngelabrak dia. Whoa, hebat ya? Apalagi yang gue denger, cela-celaan yang dilontarin sama dia itu menjurus ke fisik dan sebagian besar nggak bener alias fitnah. Nah lo... Menurut lo wajar nggak sih kalo seisi kelas gue jadi berang begini sama dia?

Eh, btw, nggak termasuk gue loh. Gue dengan kalemnya menyingkir ke samping dan memilih nggak mau ikut mengadili oknum ini. Kasian, bo. *masang muka sok baek*

Hasilnya? Sekarang, setelah melalui proses dua kali pengadilan tidak resmi, dia sukses dijauhin sekelas dan nggak diajak ngomong sama siapapun seharian. Dikucilin segala di belakang, lagi. Dipaksa mundur, tepatnya. Dan jujur gue udah mulai kasian sama dia, though gue akuin kalo gue lumayan sebel juga sama dia secara nggak langsung. Yah, kasian juga sih sebenernya, tapi mau gimana lagi?

So, enough with this case. Males ah. Lanjut aja ke kasus berikutnya.

Ada lagi nih, satu oknum aneh bin ajaib yang sukses membuat gue jungkir balik pengen tutup kuping ngedengernya. Snob abis. Sebut aja oknum ini L. Lokasi? Di salah satu kelas X. Haha. Coba aja cari yang mana orangnya. Nggak susah koq, trust me, you'll find this person sooooooo easily. Dia stand out banget soalnya. *nyengir*

Jadi. Gue nggak mau cerita panjang-panjang ah. Mendingan gue menulis beberapa fragmen cerita berwujud bagian conversation yang gue dapetin sebagai hasil akhir sesi menggosip gue sama anak-anak EDS alias English Debating Society waktu eksul di kelas 3S1 lantai 3 kemaren sore.

Eh, sebelumnya, siap-siap ember gede yah, buat nampung muntahan. *gulps*

Fragment One
Lokasi : Kelas X-adadehkasitaugayaaaaaa
Oknum Pembicara : Ibu KM [wow!] dan L
Suasana : Pelajaran Kewarganegaraan

KM : *sambil terus berbicara tentang DPR-MPR and the like* ...Oh, iya, jadi bener tuh para anggota DPR itu nggak boleh buat jadi pengusaha...
L : *dengan muka inosen angkat tangan* Ehm, Bu, tapi Papa saya pengusaha Bu...
KM : Oh ya? Tapi memang benar, anggota DPR itu nggak boleh jadi pengusaha, atau direktur, atau yang sejenisnya, begitu.. blah-blah-blah blublublub *meneruskan penjelasan*
L : *menengok ke salah satu temannya dengan muka sok keren* Eh, asal tau aja ya lo, bokap gue itu kan KOMISARIS...

Kesimpulan? Bokapnya anggota DPR. Bokapnya pengusaha. Bokapnya komisaris.
End of fragment one.

Fragment Two
Lokasi : Kelas X-adadehkasitaugayaaaaaa
Oknum Pembicara : Ibu Yenny dan L
Suasana : Sesi BK

Bu Yenny : *sambil menjelaskan kelebihan-kekurangan penjurusan kepada kelas* ...Iya, jadi sebenernya IPA sama IPS itu sama-sama bagus, sesuai kemampuan kamu... Begitu...
L : *angkat tangan dengan muka tak bersalah yang meyakinkan* Ehm, Bu, tapi kata Papa saya kalo saya nggak masuk IPA saya bakal dikeluarin dari SMAK 1...
Ibu Yenny : *kaget* Hah? Kenapa emangnya??
L : Soalnya kata Papa kalo mau jadi direktur harus masuk IPA, Bu..

Kesimpulan? Dia mau masuk IPA. Dia akan jadi direktur.
End of Fragment Two.

Fragment Three
Lokasi : Unknown, melalui pesan singkat telepon genggam
Oknum Pembicara : aduh lupa, yang jelas waktu itu lagi smsan sama si L...

Inti dari isi sms dari L : Iya, gue lagi homestay nih di LA. dan gue mau nembak salah satu cewek yang homestay bareng gue di depan patung liberty...

Kesimpulan? Dia kaya. Dia homestay. Dan...
End of Fragment Three.

Yah, tiga aja deh. Secara gue udah mulai pegel ngetiknya. Yang jelas, udah ngerti dong sekarang kenapa dia dikategorikan sebagai MAKHLUK ANEH?

Intinya adalah, karena attitude-nya dia yang annoying ini, dia dimusuhin sama temen-temennya. Whoops. How kewl it that, loverboy? *winks*

...Aduh. Udah ah. Ga jelas. Cape. Ngantuk. Stop dulu ah. Maaf ya kalau saya terdengar agak harsh. Cuma menjelaskan fakta aja sih disini. Nggak bermaksud menghina atau apa, gitu. Cuma mau nulis apa yang terjadi aja. Hehe. Maap-maap kalo ada pihak yang merasa tersinggung, gitu. Nggak maksud, mas-mbak! =)

Btw, JJ lagi menjalani program detox loh! And that means no rice, no sugar, no gorengan, and all-time fruit-based cuisine!! Argh.. Tahan gak ya kira-kira??

Luvyah all. Ciao!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

...well well well...

Setelah membaca postingan saudara Aga di blognya, dengan sedih saya harus menyatakan kalau saya HAMPIR mengalami sesuatu yang sudah dialaminya. Penyitaan kartu ATM dengan tidak hormat oleh nyokap. Huhu. Alasannya? Overspending the money. And yeah I did alright. Tapi tetep aja rasanya nyesek banget, ATM disita. Halah, gue ntar makan dari manaaaaaa???

Ehm. Eniweiz...

Tadi pagi, waktu gue berangkat sekolah, sempet ada lagu Linkin Park yang judulnya Numb di radio. Sebenernya sih biasa aja, dan jujur gue juga nggak begitu merhatiin secara terlalu sibuk merem-melek --". Tapi anehnya, setelah tuh lagu abis diputer dan beranjak ke lagu berikutnya, gue mendadak jadi kepikiran. Kepikiran tentang satu band cadas ini yang dulu sempet gue gila-gilain banget. BANGET.

It all started in year 7. Waktu itu gue masih yang suka banget sama BSB, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera dan kawan-kawannya. Teen pop stars deh. Eh, tiba-tiba sohibku tercinta si An-An suatu hari ngajak gue jalan dan di mobilnya dia nyetel kaset Linkin Park yang Hybrid Theory. Udah deh, sepanjang jalan cuma In The End aja yang kedengeran, secara diulang-ulang tanpa henti gitu sama dia sampe akhirnya tuh kaset rusak berat dan dia kepaksa beli yang baru. Hehe.

Well, but that's beside the point. Sejak saat itu, sejak dikenalin sama si An-An itu, gue pelan-pelan mulai jatuh cinta sama Linkin Park. Pelan-pelan ngikutin perkembangannya, beli kasetnya, dengerin, dan akhirnya bener-bener kepincut. Terutama sama liriknya yang keras banget, juga musik mereka yang emang unik bin ajaib. Jadilah akhirnya gue puter haluan, ninggalin Britney buat dengerin growling-nya Chester dan rapping-nya Mike Shinoda. And they filled my days, they really did.

Hybrid Theory. Reanimation. Terus nyusul Meteora. Dan gue punya semua koleksi album mereka, plus poster dan kliping-klipingnya.

Fiuh. Kenapa ya, gue jadi kangen banget sama mereka tiba-tiba?
Secara mereka udah nemenin gue bertumbuh, gitu. Kalo gue lagi down, lagi nggak mood, gue dengerin kemarahan kata-kata mereka dan malah jadi bikin gue semangat lagi. Kasar, nggak cengeng, tapi dalem dan ngena banget. Thanks to Mike Shinoda, the brain of the band. Itu yang gue suka dari mereka.

Dan sekarang, though gue udah muter arah lagi dari rock ke swings jazz, gue tetep cinta mati sama mereka.

Oh, Linkin Park, dimanakah kalian berada?? Ayo keluarin album lagi.. JJ nungguin..

...I tried so hard, and get so far
But in the end, it doesn't even matter
I had to fall, to lose it all
But in the end, it doesn't even matter...

Fiuh. Miss that song so very much.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

...about the facts...

My all-time favorite show, CHARMED, is coming to an end. A desperate end, I think, what with all those wacky problems like contracts not being extended and television ratings going flunky and the actresses having side-projects yada-yada-yada... The point is, the sisters are actually going down after eight memorable years of hard work. Leaving their craft, to be exact. And leaving ME, their number one immortal fan. *sigh* Guess I'll have to deal with it eventually. But let me mourn for now.

*beringsut ke pojokan, jongkok, trus nangis diem-diem*

My mood has been going all wonky these days. Phew. Dunno why. Maybe this is just one of those one-time-thing-that-will-go-away-just-as-quickly adrenaline rush. If not, I may as well consider going to a doctor. So much for a potentially talented psychologist-to-be, eh? *digebukin rame-rame* But yeah, I mean it. Somebody got an answer to my recent drastic up-and-down temper?

Mission Impossible 3 is sooo totally out there and rockin'. Bahkan di PURI 21, my favorite hang-out spot, dengan pedenya dipasang DUA teater! Whoa. Harus nonton. Harus nonton. Harus nonton!!

I am missing someone. Yeah, this someone. And not in a violent way, just... you know, mellow-jellow way. Urgh. Not gonna spill my guts here and get rotten tomatoes thrown at me, FGS. Pokoknya gue lagi kangen banget sama seseorang. And trust me, you know who you are. Hayoo, siapa?? *winks*

Hari ini gue mengunjungi Kompas-Gramedia Fair di Istora Senayan. Dimulai dengan antrian panjaaaaaaang mobil rebutan parkir yang sukses bikin betis bekonde, sampe desek-desekan di dalem Istora gara-gara kebanyakan pengunjung sementara aisle-nya sempit bujubuneng. Fiuh. Dan gue sukses harus menjalankan tugas gue yaitu: MENG-INTERVIEW! Dan itu berarti mengalungkan kartu pers tercintahh [god I love this ID card!!], have a notepad with a pen ready, then stroll around looking for objects. Hasilnya? Gue sukses ngegaet empat anak remaja dan dua penjaga stand. And thanks to my precious ID card, I got a first-class service everywhere I went, including cashier queues!! Haha... Ever heard of personal gain? *giggles* But it was fun anywayz. Sempet ketemu Ibu Dian and her date juga, gitu disana. Ehemm. Ada apa nihh??

JJ capek.

Fiuh. Gila, what a DAY!! I am soooooooo spent to the bones. Pegel, ngantuk, badan rasanya udah mau rontok. Lumayan buat olahraga.

So, how's your weekend, guys? Great?
And, oh yeah, FYI, I haven't even tried that new Banana Frappucino thing at Starbucks. It's tempting, really, but when are YOU going to be available, hey busy guy??

Whatever. I'm outta here.
Buh-bye daaahhhlinnn'...


Saturday, May 06, 2006

...hey hey hey...

Ehm. Helloooooo-o-o-o??

*celingak-celinguk kebingungan*

Ehm. Let's try again. Hellooooo? Anybody home??

..Haha. Fiuh. It feels nice to be back in the blogging world. You know, this week HASN'T been hectic, I simply HAVEN'T gotten anything to do at all, my days ARE NOT busy, but why the hell haven't I written even ONE single post??

Jawabannya? Haha. Standar siihh, sebenernya. Trust me, you're not gonna like this.
Nggak ada Internet. *dilemparin sendal*

Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, it is true. *nangis-nangis di pojokan*

Gila ya. Empat hari libur, leha-leha dirumah nggak ada kerjaan, saking santainya I even felt like I was losing my own frikkin' life, for heaven's sake.

Senin! The demo day. Haha. JJ tergeletak tak berdaya dirumah karena... guess what, SAKIT. Urgh. Woke up in the morning feeling like a smashed tuna sandwhich [jangan dibayangin deh, ntar jijay. hehe] then decided to go to the doctor that very afternoon. Turned out I got some severe sorethroat and a terrible cold coming up. Got medications that made me flunky, forcing me to stay in bed for the rest of the day. One day check. Three more to go.

Selasa! Was feeling so much better. Decided to still stay at home, though. Watching the fifth season of CHARMED while eating chips and stuff. Finished three DVDs out of total six. Whew, torture to my eyes you bet it was.

Rabu! Another demo day. Unexpected, though. Went to school to see Ibu Yenny. Why? Buat ngasih kura-kura. Hehe. Secara harusnya hari Senin dikasihnya, but because of the demo thingy, and of course the sickness, the plan was cancelled. Trus, jalan ke CL, makan bentar, ke Gramedia buat ngeborong komik plus beberapa novel [whoops!], terus end up nonton satu penyanyi yang suaranya BAGUS BANGET di lobi bawah. Wahh. Kenapa nggak ikut Idol aja mbak?? Hehe.

Kamis! Ehm. Better be skipped. I felt like shit the whole day dude. Yeah. Thanks to you. You? YOU? Siapa you? Ehm, aaaadaaaa deeee kasitau ga yaaaaaaaaa... Hehe. *digampar*

And now, here I am. On an ordinary Friday, a menyebalkan one, stuck in Smukie di classmeeting nggak jelas. It was fun, really. Lucu aja nontonin anak-anak Smukie mempermalukan diri mereka di depan orang banyak, dan DUA orang native speakers. Haha. Bet those expat guys don't see this kind of thing very often. *winks*

Yah, gitu deh. Udah dulu deh yaa? Ditungguin nih ma Andre dan Joni. Mau ke Warta Kota, makan-makan. Hehe.
Sekian update saya.

Buh-byeee daaaaahhhhlinnnn'..
