Tuesday, March 18, 2008

...hold your breath now...

Edina's house, Oakleigh, 18 March 2008

YAY for the sudden weather cooldown. *smiles earnestly*

I guess I'm gonna need to go to bed much earlier tonight, to make up for my mediocre three-hour sleep last night.

Was wandering around Monash Bookshop with Jacelyn this morning in search for a temporary air-conditioned hang-out-spot due to the still kinda-hot weather outside, when I came across this interesting book lying on a table at one corner near the Culture Studies and Languages stack.

Yes, it's for Indonesian Studies. Yes, it's a textbook. Yes, it's expensive. And yes, it's published by Curtin University of Technology, which is actually based in Perth, a not-exactly-neighboring city at the far west corner of Australia.

So I was curiously flipping through the pages of the book right, trying to think like a foreigner who knows nothing about the Indonesian languange, when I found a chapter discussing about Bahasa Gaul. *insert some funny sound-effect tunes here*

I was like, ooooooooooookay. This is kinda strange.
The book's actually trying, desperately, to explain the whole concept of why young Jakartans speak a wholly different Indonesian language than the rest of the population in the archipelago, how they came to use this supposedly modern-slang counterpart of the language, and exactly where it initially originated from. The word "bokap" is there; the book does quite a detailed explanation about the origin of this word, along with some other common Jakartan slangs I don't even want to discuss here. Spare me the laughs. And the amazement. Not to mention the strange gut-wrenching feeling of wanting to speak the slangs again, just like the old days.

I never knew my language could be such a great interest to foreigners. Especially for Aussies here. *laughs* I should be proud. And I am, sincerely.
So there you go. Another day, another drama, as Miss Britney Spears puts in. *bows*

And speaking of the devil...

My uni workload this week has been overwhelming.
I've been finding it quite hard to squeeze in some leisure time during which I can actually socialize. Or, on better terms, during which I can do more exciting things other than scribbling away studying and summarizing and reading and nerdy-ing. *sobs*

So for now I reckon I'll have to resort to brief, impersonal, often-rushed "Hey how's it going" greetings during accidental meetings in random alleyways and the complexly-intersecting campus pathways. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to meet up with some of my old friends in one of those expected encounters. If not, well then it's just too bad. *sighs*

Not even the upcoming Easter Break is able to cheer me up, yet; I hope it'll come around soon. I could use the extra lift-up-my-spirit boost to be able to get by. It's not like I'm suicidal or all stressed out or anything; I know this might sound terribly creepy coming from me, but I actually do enjoy doing some constant academic progress for once. *winks*

Alright I should go now. A good night sleep won't hurt.
Have a nice breezy early-Autumn night, people! =)


ah said...

ayoooo semangat!!

MelMel said...

we can do this marketing research design! haha..

ReRe said...

skli2 nulis pk bahasa indo kek
aku aga ga ngerti
aku ada baca dikit tentang bahasa indonesia yang dipljari gt

hwhwhw..kmarin2 aku baru kelas filsafat
trus bahas tentang BAHASA..
baru dibahas juga tuh tentang asal suatu kata.. ato istilahnya etimologis... trus dibahas deh kata2 berdasarkan etimo nya.. beberapa kata doank siih.. tp aga2 ribet gitu.. dan banyak banget ternyata kata2 yang ga jelas etimo nya apalagi indonesia.. terus stlh ditelusuri2,,
bahasa indonesia tuh ga kaya2 banget.. tp slang nya banyak.. malah banyakan slang indonesia deh kayana.. hahaha

Lucu juga ya bahas2 gitu an.. apalgi ada gt orang osi yang tertarik bahasa ini? ckckckckck.. ajarin tu J.. jadi guru les aja.. sapa tau nambah uang saku.. wkwkwkwk..

Anonymous said...

J, bukunya tampak menarik (bag.slang languagenyah!)