Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Satu kalimat bingung ajah.

I. really. can't. figure. out. what. went. wrong.

Jangan kecewa yah, dear SMUKIEZ CHOIR, keluarga keduaku tercinta...
Seperti kata Kak PC, pasti ada sesuatu dibalik keputusan juri itu...

Yakinlah kalau bagaimanapun kita tetap pemenangnya!!!

Luv ya all...


Anonymous said...

don't be sad laaa... there should be a reason behind everything...
somehow, it might be better not to win this time.. so that it can be a motivating force for u guys.. a whip to remind, not to be arrogant..
my bro, don't feel sad of any results, as long as u've done the best...
blessed be

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