Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Dua kata: LEGA. BANGET.

Secara hari ini gue sukses melewati ENAM buah ulangan, termasuk di dalamnya SATU ulangan Matematika, TIGA ulangan susulan (Akuntansi, Bahasa Indonesia, Sejarah), SATU remedial (Geografi? Eww.), dan SATU presentasi HD.

So, do I get a standing applause for this? *winks*
Hahahahaha. Thank God everything's over. Now I can finally take some time to breathe.

But, wait. That reminds me, I still got that silly UKRIDA thing coming.
Geez. So when do I get to relax a little?

Makasih buat sahabat-sahabat tercinta di kelas Tiga Sos Tiga yang udah mendukung JJ seharian penuh tadi. Adel buat pengajaran matematikanya, Lina buat ketawa-ketawanya, Fred buat canda-candaan nggak pentingnya, Dea buat perjuangan bersama seharinya.
Juga buat ReRe, NdLeWz, dan Bre buat semua tepukan pundaknya.

Can't make it through the day without you guys! Owe you one *grins*

And now I am [still] working on my postponed Kewarganegaraan project. Dan juga masalah universitas yang belum sempat gue pikirkan. Gawd. I so need to get out a little. The pressure's killing me by the second.

Thank God I still have my beloved Smukiez Choir to hold on to. They're the only ones who are able to help me keep my sanity in control.

Doakan JJ yah, teman-teman.
Jadi mikirin kemungkinan bunuh diri pake es krim atas usulan Jeffta.

Buh-bye daaaaahhhhlliiinnn'...


Anonymous said...

whew... 6 ulangan? i'll give u a jumping applause for that... haha
heard most of the choir members also have that hectic things bcoz of ur absence for a month (2 month for OSN-ers.. poor jeffta)

manage ur time well J, and keep ur head clear...
is eating ice cream considered a suicide attempt? maybe i should take that as an option.. got a very hectic scheduled week bcoz of the choir... thanks to the prudential people..
(Info: to call prudential, just dial: 1-800-242824, or simply 1-800-BIAT*H)

quote for today: look at the world, and thanks to the Lord, have a grateful heart that u can see, all the things we shared and every blessings, all things, come of Thee

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bunu diri pake es krim?
gimana cara?
makan es krim sebanyak"nya??

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