Saturday, January 13, 2007

...about updates...

Sorry for not being in touch for quite some time.

The thing is, life's been busy. And it gets more and more hectic by each day that passes by.
I'm beginning to realize that my high school is actually coming to an end, and that fact just stabs me dead.

Oh, no.
Whatever happened to those supposed-to-be-long-and-boring period of three years?

Wish me luck for my TOEFL iBT test tomorrow, guys!

I'll fill you in with the interesting events of the new year in the next post.
Buh-bye! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

goodness... 3rd year is NOT long... it's not BORING either.. well, sometimes it's boring tho... with tons of tests and ASS!gnments...
anyhow, how's ur plan to go SMU?