Tuesday, March 13, 2007

...giving up...

I give up.
This is going nowhere.

My heart is now broken beyond repair. And nobody even seem to care.
Even all those people I used to run to whenever problems arise seem to have left me alone now to fight on my own.

Oh, well.
Reality bites.

Wish me luck on this fuckin-'crazy tryouts week guys.


Anonymous said...

mungkin ketika kelihatannya semua orang ninggalin lo, itu cuma tanda supaya elo berjuang sendirian. manusia toh pasti akan mengecewakan lo pada suatu waktu. tapi percaya deh, gak satu pun dari orang2 itu yang ninggalin lo dan gak peduli lagi sama lo. mereka sayang lo dan sangat peduli sama lo.

iluvya, bro.

Anonymous said...

you can't ask every single person u love to show their affection that much.
sometimes, people also have their own problems.
when u feel lonely, think of it as time to make u even a better person. u need to fight, and struggle. and in the end, it will give u satisfaction.
whatever u're thinking, there is always someone out there who care.
bless u my friend

Anonymous said...

fight fight fight !

the situation hasn't been easy on all of us for quite sumtime... but still if you give up, everything becomes worthless...

there're times that we need to rest... or cry... or do watever it takes to refresh and make ourselves feel better... (seems like the weekend has callin' ^.^)

but don't give up okay... unless for sth that isn't worthy to be fought for...

ah said...

nobody even seem to care

excuse me?

Lewi Aga Basoeki said...

yah, tetap semangat JJ! apapun yang terjadi =)

gue pernah mengalami apa yang loe alami dan sekarang gue fine-fine aja...

udah saatnya beranjak dewasa, pikirkan masa depan...


Meevia said...

tuh, j.. banyak banget kan yang pduli.. inget sms mia pas malem2 itu.. okeoke?

iluvya =D

ReRe said...

JJ klo ada pa" cerita aja..
nobody seem to care?
well... I do..
ga kliatan ya?

cheer up!