Tuesday, December 06, 2005

...exams, exams, exams...

Whew. Sekali lagi exam week telah datang.

Geez. Time flies, it really does.

Ehm. Seharian belajar Economics n History ternyata lumayan bikin gue mixed up. Lebih ke ter-brainwashed sih, sebenernya, what with all those '-ism'-ended words about economic beliefs during the Industrial Revolution era and stuff… Yah, paling nggak gue sekarang ngerti kenapa Karl Marx dari dulu ngotot sama paham sosialisme-nya dia. Personally I think I'm starting to agree with him on a few terms, though I admit that after all he's still one hell of a nutter, to be honest. Hahaha.

Eniweiz… I passed this week's Sunday with a smile… Hari ini gue lumayan seneng. Cape, tapi seneng. Well, though today was stuffed mainly by textbooks and notes, tapi tetep aja, somehow gue enjoy ngerjain semuanya, belajar, ngeringkas, nyatet-nyatet… Even the pressure was pleasant in a way. Uda gitu hari ini gue sempet ketemu en sdikit ngobrol sama dua orang cousins yang baru balik dari Singapore, yang which is tambah bikin gue seneng aja, gitu, since I hadn’t seen them for quite a while. Hasilnya? Hari ini gue seneng. And I'm thankful everything's fine.

Mo ngucapin selamat ultah buat Louis n Belinda yang lagi ultah. Hepi b'day, folks! JJ tunggu traktirannya… Hahaha.

Juga mau ngucapin terima kasih buat semua phonecalls, misscalls, smses, n messages yang JJ terima hari ini, yang udah bikin JJ tambah bahagia aja. Thanks.

So… Another week of self-laboring has begun, I guess. Perhaps even harder 'coz it's exams. But I guess I'll have to get by.

Happy exam week, guys! Cia you!! ^^


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