Saturday, May 06, 2006

...hey hey hey...

Ehm. Helloooooo-o-o-o??

*celingak-celinguk kebingungan*

Ehm. Let's try again. Hellooooo? Anybody home??

..Haha. Fiuh. It feels nice to be back in the blogging world. You know, this week HASN'T been hectic, I simply HAVEN'T gotten anything to do at all, my days ARE NOT busy, but why the hell haven't I written even ONE single post??

Jawabannya? Haha. Standar siihh, sebenernya. Trust me, you're not gonna like this.
Nggak ada Internet. *dilemparin sendal*

Sadly, ladies and gentlemen, it is true. *nangis-nangis di pojokan*

Gila ya. Empat hari libur, leha-leha dirumah nggak ada kerjaan, saking santainya I even felt like I was losing my own frikkin' life, for heaven's sake.

Senin! The demo day. Haha. JJ tergeletak tak berdaya dirumah karena... guess what, SAKIT. Urgh. Woke up in the morning feeling like a smashed tuna sandwhich [jangan dibayangin deh, ntar jijay. hehe] then decided to go to the doctor that very afternoon. Turned out I got some severe sorethroat and a terrible cold coming up. Got medications that made me flunky, forcing me to stay in bed for the rest of the day. One day check. Three more to go.

Selasa! Was feeling so much better. Decided to still stay at home, though. Watching the fifth season of CHARMED while eating chips and stuff. Finished three DVDs out of total six. Whew, torture to my eyes you bet it was.

Rabu! Another demo day. Unexpected, though. Went to school to see Ibu Yenny. Why? Buat ngasih kura-kura. Hehe. Secara harusnya hari Senin dikasihnya, but because of the demo thingy, and of course the sickness, the plan was cancelled. Trus, jalan ke CL, makan bentar, ke Gramedia buat ngeborong komik plus beberapa novel [whoops!], terus end up nonton satu penyanyi yang suaranya BAGUS BANGET di lobi bawah. Wahh. Kenapa nggak ikut Idol aja mbak?? Hehe.

Kamis! Ehm. Better be skipped. I felt like shit the whole day dude. Yeah. Thanks to you. You? YOU? Siapa you? Ehm, aaaadaaaa deeee kasitau ga yaaaaaaaaa... Hehe. *digampar*

And now, here I am. On an ordinary Friday, a menyebalkan one, stuck in Smukie di classmeeting nggak jelas. It was fun, really. Lucu aja nontonin anak-anak Smukie mempermalukan diri mereka di depan orang banyak, dan DUA orang native speakers. Haha. Bet those expat guys don't see this kind of thing very often. *winks*

Yah, gitu deh. Udah dulu deh yaa? Ditungguin nih ma Andre dan Joni. Mau ke Warta Kota, makan-makan. Hehe.
Sekian update saya.

Buh-byeee daaaaahhhhlinnnn'..


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