Friday, February 24, 2006


Hari ini JJ pengen MELEDAK.

Semua hal buruk yang udah ter-build up during the week memuncak banget hari ini.

Mulai dari kebetean semua orang disekitar gue.. Keapatisan mereka sama kebetean gue sendiri.. Ulangan Sosiologi yang gilanya nggak wajar banget.. And all. Urgh. Drives me mad, by the minute.

Thank God the pressure has calmed down.

Thanks to Ibu Dian for the calming curhat session! Juga buat Z yang seharian udah masang muka memelas, trying to cheer me up. Thanks. Thanks. Owe you one.

Gue nggak akan menulis semuanya disini. Cape, terlalu cape.
And I ain't gonna waste this last drop of energy for something that will only freak me out once again.

Good day, world.
Hope you realize how far this torture has taken me in.

And you're welcome for that.


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