Friday, August 17, 2007

..about august 17..

...Happy 62th Birthday, Dear Indonesia.

Another year, another number, another period has passed.

We've had our times; good ones, bad ones, and ones in between. We've shared happiness. Pride. Troubles. Even pain and losses. Has been great getting through my life with you, mate. Has been a hell of an amazing experience living under your wings, the only place in the world I can still refer to as 'home', wherever I go. Has been hard going away and move on as well, after all these years. But we will never be too far apart; distance can only do so much.

No matter what happens; despite all those conflicts, riots, disasters, heartaches...
Your sweetness remains, deep down inside my heart.
And I will always remember you for that.

...Dirgahayu Indonesia Merdeka!!!

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