Wednesday, December 19, 2007

...the best time of the year...

Currently listening to: Christmas Time - Backstreet Boys

Now THAT is how Christmas decorations are supposed to look like.
I always admire Mall Taman Anggrek for its breakhthrough themes and decorations each Christmas time, every year.

It's raining gently outside now. Beatifully so. And suddenly I feel mellow.
Remembering all the things I used to do when the gorgeous December rain came knocking on my windows during those long-gone days of my high-school melodrama of a life.

It's during rainy days like this that I can finally sit back and think over my life a little bit. How days go by so quickly I don't even have the chance to make moments last a little while longer than a flash. Nearly a week has gone by since I arrived back in this town, in a blink of an eye, yet I'm still here, trying to race with time, fighting a losing battle with Destiny, picking up the pieces, lagging so far behind...

Sometimes I feel like my life is just like one big race, with no breaks in between to let me catch my breath. Is it my fault that I suffocate and faint, and beg to quit every once in a while?

The same feeling got all over me when I came to watch the Smukie Christmas celebration yesterday; I met a BUNCH of old friends, hugged people, high-fived people, shook hands with teachers, got a chance to mingle with Smukiez Choir, you know, stuff like that. I was happy, to say the least; seeing all those smiling faces again really made my day.

But then, as today I sit and ponder, rewinding the happy moments yesterday and recalling those faces, I start to look back, and remember. I still have loads of unanswered questions, unfinished business, unaccomplished goals, which are yet to be fulfilled. Meeting those people once again remind me of these longings, these things.

I miss my life here. During Christmas time, with friends, and loved ones.

Geez. I should stop here. I don't wanna spill my guts and break down right now.
I don't want the beautiful rain to catch me crying.

Happy rainy day, guys. =]

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