Monday, December 10, 2007 eve will find me...

Currently listening to: My Only Wish This Year - Britney Spears

Just finished my Business Law Assignment *yay!* this morning bright and early, and now I feel like passing out on my bed until like Thursday morning or something.

Seriously. I have never come across a more lethal, suicide-triggering pain-in-the-arse subject before in my entire life. And I thought I WAS suicidal. *shakes head*

Oh by the way. Moving on to my bitching of the day...
Personally, I think that in terms of Christmas decorations, dear ol' Melbourne sucks. As in SLACKING. Big time.

Like, say if there was a worldwide competition that wants to determine which city has the best, most creative, and most stunning Christmas decorations up out-and-about at this time of year and actually rank all those decorated cities in order, I'm pretty damn sure that Melbourne would definitely lag on the ranks. Severely. Somehow it pains me, and I'm not even emo for heaven's sake. *sighs*

Even J-Town, regardless of how drenched and wet and occasionally flooded it often will be around Christmas time, could possibly look more decently Christmas-y if it wants to.

I mean, look. What's the point of starting early if you guys don't maintain the progress and in the end lack behind? I remember that the first pioneer glimpses of Christmas were put up in the city area as early as mid-November, and then I thought it was gonna be like merry and GRAND when December finally arrived. Turns out that my hopes were kept a little bit too high. Or at least I think I did.

Oh well. At least people are TRYING to keep up with the pace.
Here are some snapshots of Melbournian Christmas I took when I went to the city to start shopping for Christmas gifts last Saturday.

Here's that solo HUGE Christmas tree in front of the Westin Hotel, along Swanston Street, that strangely reminds me of that beautiful, equally-if-not-more HUGE Christmas tree in Mall Taman Anggrek back home. *sighs*

In Australia, Christmas means Summer; that's probably why snow-like ornaments are so rarely seen as part of the decorations. Stars, leaves, and flowers are used instead, just like those endless lines of stars hung nicely all the way above and along Bourke Street.

There's another deserted-and-out-of-place-looking Christmas tree standing in the very center of QV Square. It breaks my heart seeing that tree, I dunno why. I sure hope they will put up some frikkin' supporting decorations around that tree or they might as well just bring that lonely thing back down for the sake of aesthetics.

This tree above just caught my eye when I was waiting for the 900 bus on my way home. I'm intrigued by the way the wrap that Seasons Greetings cardboard around that tree and then have the guts to call that a decoration. Well, no pun intended. It looks kinda cute anyways. Good effort for by the City of Monash! *laughs*

So, guys. Whaddayathink?

And oh yeah, for the sake of emphasizing self-proclamation, here goes the last picture of us ex-Smukiers posing together in front of the HUGE Westin Hotel Christmas tree thing. *winks*

*looks at picture with dreamy stares*

Alright I'll just hop on to bed and actually TRY to have a good rest.
Considering it's four days away to home and I can barely contain the excitement.

Have a BLESSED Christmas week everyone!!
Catchyalater. *hugs*

1 comment:

ah said...

wahhhh ada gueeee..