Wednesday, November 21, 2007

...about winter-sick...

Sometimes I wish I could just make an appointment with Mother Earth and propose the idea of switching this wacky-tacky-all-upside-down climate state of dear Australia.

Was just watching HappySlip's latest Youtube video a couple of minutes ago. She was talking about Thanksgiving, which is like TOMORROW. For those who don't know, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on November 22 in the States this year; from what I've known, the date changes every now and then. But, yeah. The point is that the holiday season is approaching fast in America. While down here, everything seems quite common, at least for the time being. Hotness and sunny days all over. Well except for that huge christmas-tree-looking thing in front of the Westin Hotel in the city area, of course. And Bourke Street. But that's about it.

I have never longed for a cold-and-freezing Christmas THIS badly my whole life. *sighs*

Oh yeah. Back to Thanksgiving.
Too bad Aussies don't have this kind of celebration. Or do they? I'm not sure, and honestly, I don't wanna know either. I mean, it's gonna look really ridiculous, don't you think, celebrating Thanksgiving in the middle of this funny HOT weather? With all the turkeys and hot food and all that. But then again I should just stop whining, who knows they do things differently here. My bad for being such a silly Americanized obsessive prat. But sometimes I still regret my decision for not continuing my study in the States. *sighs*

Well anyways.
It's been really rainy today. From the moment I woke up up till this point, the rain hasn't stopped pouring. Beautiful! The atmosphere has been FANTASTIC; these bits and pieces of rain feels like total heaven, after a few days of extreme dryness. I hope the drizzle stays for at least another week or so. This kind of peaceful soothing weather keeps my good mood in check. *laughs*

Hence the Mother-Earth-appointment-wish thingy I mentioned above.
I know it's just silly, but I can't help cursing the fact that the climate is all reversed here.
No white Christmas. No snow. No peace. No fireplace.

Reminds me of my happy childhood, when I used to travel to different countries during Christmas and celebrate the cold holiday season there. London. Paris. San Francisco. Even Beijing. I just wish Melbourne could have the same winter-y ambiance at this time of the year. *sighs*

Thank God I won't be here during Christmas, though. At least J-Town's humidity is still bearable, and it's gonna get all familiarly Christmas-y back home since I'll be celebrating with loved ones!! *grins*

Okay then. I guess I'll hop in the shower and get ready for the afternoon class now.
VIP Night is on at Chadstone, people! Talk about extreme shopping free, now. *laughs*

Alright then take care all! *hugs*


Anonymous said...

sabar nak sabar...

Anonymous said...

hidp emang kejam...
skalinya ga di Indo natalan malah musim pnaas...
msh mendng indo dh je..
at least banyak ujan, ga pnas kaya di sono...

agnesnakula said...
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